Tuesday, September 4, 2012

...playing school...

...as a child I used to love to play school...
...and then for many years it was my career...
...I truly loved teaching...

...now when September comes...
...I still think about school...
...but I'm so happy that I am now able to pursue other things...

...this image was processed with PicMonkey...
...usually I work in Photoshop Elements...

...sometimes I set up a photo shoot...
...and never 'play' with any of the photos....

...these are some muslin pears that I made years ago...
...they are painted white with little sticks for stems...
...and a little white leaf...

...they have been photographed more than anything else in my home...

...always such good models...
...easy to pose...
...always ready...

...I love the simplicity...
...and the vintage tones...

...I named this one 'back to school'...
...how lucky am I to be able to enjoy my photographic journey...

"Old times" never come back and I suppose it's just as well.  What comes back is a new morning every day in the year, and that's better.
~George Edward Woodberry


  1. Oh, Sally...your "white" images are so peaceful and beautiful! I really enjoy the fact that I don't return to school in the fall anymore; this is the beginning of the 11th such fall.

  2. Hi Sally~ Once again, LOVE your final quote. xoxo Amy

  3. All arranged - just sitting there
    First a pear, then a spare.
    It makes wonder what thou hath
    Two pairs perhaps? Is that new math?
    Or since each pair has one stick
    It's simply just arithmetic.
